Regimental Archives & Library

The Regimental archives and library is based in Bankfield Museum, in Halifax.
The archives were originally established in 1929 at the Regimental Depot in Halifax. At that time a single filing cabinet was sufficient to hold its contents. Over the years it grew substantially and by 1992 separate rooms were required to accommodate and conserve the collection.
This project was eventually taken on by former WO2 Bill Norman. Bill had served in both the 1st and 2nd Battalions, having originally enlisted into the 2nd Battalion as a Band Boy in 1934, at the age of 14. He also fought in the Battle of the Sittang Bridge, in Burma and later in Anzio, with the Commando’s, then in Korea with the 1st Battalion.
You can read Bill’s recollection of the Battle of Sittang Bridge, on the World War II today. website.
By the time of his death, in January 2005, Bill had contributed over 70 years of service to the Regiment.
The collection includes official documents, books, maps, photographs, war diaries, papers, Regimental music and film footage.
Additionally, there is a growing collection of personal photograph albums, diaries and items relating to the Regiment, which have been donated by former members of the Regiment or their relatives.
The Archives form a valuable resource, enabling our volunteer archivists to provide information to Regimental historians, research students, relatives and descendants of former ‘Dukes’ doing Regimental and family history research, as well as the general public.
The staff are currently reorganising and digitising the entire collection. Much of this material will eventually be uploaded to the website. To date the entire collection of Regimental Journals, the ‘Iron Duke’ (first published in 1925), have been digitised and uploaded. The last few editions, which are still in print and available for purchase, are not on the website. Additionally the regiments own history books and other research books are also available on the website for free download.
Please note that we are unable to allow individuals to personally search through the archive material we hold.