The Regimental Journal

The Iron Duke is the Regimental Association Journal. It is currently published once a year.
If you have worn the cap badge, served with the Regiment or its Territorial Army units, or are a friend of the Regiment in any capacity, this journal is for you. It has information about the Regimental Association activities and news of formal and informal Regimental Veterans get-together’s, as well as carrying articles which look back over campaigns and deployments from the Regiment’s history.
The Editor is Major Simon Morgan (Ret’d)
Copies of all previous issues, are listed here:- List of Iron Duke Journals
Issues in Print are availabe to purchase from the Association office, in the Bankfield Library.
Out of print issues, printed in blue, may be freely downloaded.

To subscribe:
Download this subscription form (PDF Format) and send it to the Association office or contact the Association HQ for one to be sent to you:
The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment (West Riding)
Bankfield Museum, Boothtown Road
West Yorkshire
TEL: 01422 356795
email –
If you are already subscribing, but not receiving your Journal it is probably because the Association Office has the wrong address for you and you should inform them of your correct address.